What is an act of kindness?
Feb 13
An act of kindness is a selfless act performed by an individual or group that serves a good deed, often bringing joy, encouragement and cheer to another! Such a gesture is a sign of goodwill and an act of love!
Whether it is a warm smiles, hug, anonymous rose or simply pressing the button or holding the elevator for some else, are all simple examples of performing and showing kindness to someone related or non-related. An Act fo Kindness is a reflection of the heart. A phrase said to be coined by writer Anne Herbert, the intent of an act of kindness can be either planned or spontaneous. Nevertheless, performing a selfless act always warms the heart…and most importantly, one simple sporadic gesture can cheer up someones day, or even save a life.
As more and more people join the revolution of kind acts, it is safe to say that over time, selfishness, and all those things considered bad in our community can truly make the world a better place. Consider performing a act of kindness today! We’d like to hear how your act of kindness changed you or another persons day. Submitting your story here to be featured for the “Act of Kindness of the Day”.
Need help with formulating an idea for delivering an act of kindness?
Here are “35 Little Acts of Kindness.”